Kamis, 17 Agustus 2017



Opening the meeting
  • Greetings opener meeting.
  • Thank you for attending the meeting.
  • Number of meeting participants
  • Meating Time 
  • Meeting Agenda
  • Submission
  • Meetings

Meeting opener

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

         Praise the same we say the presence of ALLAH Almighty that has given us the chance to gather and do not forget also arrival greeting us to cast into the lap of the great prophet Muhammad Saw.Thanks to the leader and the attendees of the meeting who have attended.

        The theme of our meeting is to discuss about the decline in sales turnover during the last 7 months.The number of participants this meeting was attended by 40 people and could not attend 3 people because there was a meeting outside the city.

         Meeting will start at 10.00 am -12.00

       Agenda of the meeting this time: reducer turnover today, Obstacles in getting in the field from the marketing.

      This meeting was attended by:

 -Ibu ani as the leader
 -has ana as marketing.

Well to take advantage of the meeting time will be in pinpin mother ani, our mother ani please.

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